Friday, October 15, 2010

Strength and Conditioning in BJJ - Wed Workout

Had a light week last week getting ready for the Nashville BJJ Open. This week has been a lot of extra mat time so no heavy lifting days. Wednesday's workout was once again very simple but if you try it you will hate like it.

5 rounds for time with NO rest between exercises and NO rest between rounds:
     10 Burpees (full Burpee with a pushup and jump at the end)
     5 Pullups (pullups, not chinups, and each rep should begin from a dead hang)

The only place you can "rest" is at the hang of your pullups. DO NOT let go of the bar. If you can not do 5 pullups each round without having to drop off the bar, do as many as you can and immediately move on to the next set of Burpees. In other words, if you drop off the bar your set is over - keep moving at full speed into the next round.

The first set is relatively easy. But each successive set becomes more "interesting." If you are going as fast and hard as you can (the start of your Burpee will look like a solid sprawl, the pushup will be almost plyometric, and the jump will look like your basketball dunk) you will start breathing deep by the second set and this should give you a new appreciation for the dead hang pullups.

On the other hand, you can loaf your way through this routine and wonder what the big deal is.


  1. Hey Mike D here,Had long day at work and no sleep last night but did not want to go more than 2 days without training and since I cant get to the mats I did your workout. 5minutes 47 secs and it was very tough. I got that panic breathing going and it felt like a hard roll. The "rest" on the bar is sneaky. I finished and it took me a good 20 minutes before I felt normal again haha. Great stuff and I will be sure to try others you post.

  2. Glad you liked it Mike. I don't post all my workouts (because I want to keep the blog focused on BJJ in general - and I don't want the world to know when I wimp out ;-)), but I'll try to keep posting some that I think are fun, interesting, surprisingly killer, or surprisingly simple.
